Category: quotes

  • It doesn’t take long for the experience of the Numinous to unhinge the mind. -Foucault’s Pendulum, by Umberto Eco

  • Their antislavery views predated even those of the Quakers. Unlike the Quakers, these were Christian militants, protecting their Underground Railroad stations with both prayer and gunfire. Joseph S. Moore, Founding Sins: How a Group of Antislavery Radicals Fought to Put Christ into the Constitution PS this is about Presbyterian Covenanters

  • If the former did disobey God, yet the latter was persuaded to be obedient to God, in order that the Virgin Mary might become the patroness (advocata) of the virgin Eve. And thus, as the human race fell into bondage to death by means of a virgin, so is it rescued by a virgin; virginal…

  • We’ve been working through 1 Corinthians in our evening sermon series at my Church. I’m thinking back through a previous passage I preached on, and ran across this quote by Calvin. It is really excellent, and so I thought I’d put it up here. The natural arts and all the sciences by which wisdom is…

    Human Wisdom: a Handmaiden, Not a Mistress
  • A quote from the Lutheran scholar, David Chytraeus, on how elders have always been elders, Now the fact that, afterward, ministers were distinguished from one another by degrees–this was a human contrivance for the sake of order. Jerome, in his letter to Evangelus, addresses this matter at length, arguing that priests and bishops are the…

    The Unity of the Office of Elder
  • George Smeaton has a beautiful section in his work, “Christ’s Doctrine of the Atonement” on how the atonement denudes Satan of his power. He suggests that in the atonement, Christ merited the right to His current rule of the world of mankind as the God-man, as well as the right to subdue Satan’s reign. I’ll…

    Christ’s Dominion via Atonement
  • Good quote from Bunyan in his work “All Loves Excelling” on the mediatorial dominion of Jesus Christ: He has obtained to be made of God the chief and high Lord of heaven and earth for us…’All things’ saith he ‘are delivered unto me of my Father, and all power in heaven and earth is given…

  • Some have attempted by false arguments and allegorical interpretations to bestow on Scripture a dignity of their own imagining. But theirs is the attitude of one who considers himself wiser than the revelations of the Spirit and introduces his own ideas in pretense of an explanation. Therefore, let it be understood as it has been…

  • Current theological discussion about the image of God is centered around a rather pragmatic view. “Ancient interpreters foolishly assigned the place of the image to the soul,” say contemporary scholars, “while we realize that man has no soul. Since man has no soul, the image was imbued purely to the work that God created man…

  • Did you know: Origen charged Melito of Sardis with heresy?  Gasp! Yes, Origen believed that the beloved Melito taught the corporeality of God.  But Origen probably mistook Melito’s teaching about the incarnation as teaching about the being of God as consisting eternally as a body.

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