Category: theology

  • “The Son’s sponsio was not an expromissio (surety) [disagreeing with Berkhof], such that the guilt of sin was transferred without further ado from the elect to the Son and they had already become guiltfree through the pact itself. Rather it was a real fideiussio (bail), a guarantee which was already effective from the start, even…

  • Biblical compassion is an attitude and choice that a Christian does in the context of a fallen world.  Because the world is fallen, there are people who are hurt, and need our compassion.  Because the world is fallen, there are people who will be angered by our faith, and they too need our compassion.  One…

  • Christians Get Depressed Too by David P. Murray My rating: 5 of 5 stars We’ve endured a difficult season in the life of our nation, our families, and our Church. Not surprisingly, then, some recent studies suggest that rates of depression have increased exponentially during the last year or so. Indeed, I myself have struggled…

  • Continued from part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, and part 6. Purchase a copy of “On Original Sin, Vol. 1” here! (affiliate link) We’ve discussed, in great detail, Vermigli’s views and how they relate to Reformed. But what does that have to do with the current discussion of sexuality in the…

    Vermigli and SSA (pt. 7): Conclusion
  • This is continued from part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. Purchase a copy of “On Original Sin, Vol. 1” here! (affiliate link) In the last post I looked in detail at Vermigli’s view of how original sin is transmitted to Adam’s descendants. The question for the Christian who struggles with same-sex attraction,…

    Vermigli and SSA (pt. 5): Indwelling Sin
  • This is continued from part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5. Purchase a copy of “On Original Sin, Vol. 1” here! (affiliate link) The entirety of these posts are concerned with how Vermigli’s views of original sin relate to our contemporary questions about SSA and Christian living. As of yet, I…

    Vermigli and SSA (pt. 6): Regeneration
  • This is continued from part 1, part 2, and part 3. Purchase a copy of “On Original Sin, Vol. 1” here! (affiliate link) I am writing this little series to consider how Vermigli’s view of original sin relates to contemporary issues of same-sex attraction in the theology of the Church. In the first post, I…

  • This is continued from part 1 and part 2. Purchase a copy of “On Original Sin, Vol. 1” here! (affiliate link) The Extent of Original Sin Vermigli’s depiction of original sin is that it is an entire corruption of human nature. It is a corruption entirely throughout, though not an entire corruption such that the…

    Vermigli and SSA (pt. 3): Extent of Original Sin
  • This is continued from part 1. In part 1, I discussed Vermigli’s view of anthropology, or human composition. His view of this is intricately related to his view of original sin and indwelling sin, so it is worth going back and reviewing if you missed the last one! Purchase a copy of “On Original Sin:…

    Vermigli and SSA (pt. 2): Original Sin
  • I recently purchased and read, “On Original Sin: Vol. 1 of a New Translation of the Loci Communes” of Peter Martyr Vermigli, translated and edited by Kirk Summers, and printed by The Davenant Institute. This is actually the first volume of the second part of the original commonplaces. I’m excited to learn that Dr. Summers…

    Vermigli and SSA (pt. 1): Anthropology

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