Category: uncategorized

  • A Hot Pepper Corn: Richard Baxter’s Doctrine of Justification in Its Seventeenth-Century Context of Controversy by Hans Boersma My rating: 4 of 5 stars A difficult yet rewarding read about the unique views of Richard Baxter regarding justification. Baxter’s controversies with John Owen are set within their appropriate historical context, and due diligence is paid…

  • I’ve been unsettled by the poem Invictus ever since I had to memorize it in High School.  It is lauded and celebrated by so many as an example of the resolve of will required to persist in this harsh world.  But I actually believe it is an arrogant poem.  So, randomly, and recently, I wrote…

  •   June 21 articles Cosmic Discoveries Fuel a Fight Over the Universe’s Beginnings | WIRED The DIY Cyborgs Hacking Their Bodies For Fun | WIRED Chinese Satellite Relays a Quantum Signal Between Cities | WIRED Security News This Week: A Funny Thing Happens When the US Accuses the UK of Spying | WIRED Security News…

  • Washington’s Spies: The Story of America’s First Spy Ring by Alexander Rose My rating: 5 of 5 stars This is a well-researched, and fascinatingly written examination of the spy rings present during the American Revolution. View all my reviews

  • When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor . . . and Yourself by Steve Corbett My rating: 4 of 5 stars A solid re-definition of poverty with a number of practical ways to apply its teachings. The majority of this book was paradigm-shifting for me in terms of how to view…

  • Christians have looked warily at postmodernism for some time now.  Its amorphous nature has never been appealing, and its candy-shop variety of metaphysical conclusions has been hard to accept.  Sure, one can enjoy certain aspects of so-and-so’s post-structuralism, or rejoice in what’s-his-face’s view of textual analysis, or delight in another fellow’s critique of modernism’s epistemological…

  • So, contemporary art might be meaningful, and it might last, but is it worth the price tag?  Of course, this isn’t an easy answer.  A great deal of contemporary artwork is just plain awful, and so I’d say, “No, don’t spend any amount of money on this, especially not what they are asking.”   Basically, a…

  • Without a doubt, the number one thing I am asked by viewers is, “Will this thing fall apart?”  The Western art tradition has largely grounded itself in the vehicle of oil painting, and most viewers are simply used to the thought that while oil lasts, other things might not.   For this reason, I’m not upset…

  • Tomorrow, six of my pieces will be shown at Belhaven University at an alumni exhibition.  These pieces are small, roughly 12″x12″, and are already framed.  As I prepare to talk about my work, I think that a question many people may ask is, “Well this looks nice, but what does it mean?”   It seems to…

  • I am a conservative Protestant, but I follow a good number of blogs by Roman Catholics, liberal Protestants, and a number of other people as well.  Recently, though, I’ve noticed two major ideas that have been the subject of repeated and sustained attack.  From the Roman Catholic blogs, I’ve seen a continued critique of the…

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