Vermigli and SSA (pt. 1): Anthropology

I recently purchased and read, “On Original Sin: Vol. 1 of a New Translation of the Loci Communes” of Peter Martyr Vermigli, translated and edited by Kirk Summers, and printed by The Davenant Institute. This is actually the first volume of the second part of the original commonplaces. I’m excited to learn that Dr. Summers…

Genesis is No Myth

Some have attempted by false arguments and allegorical interpretations to bestow on Scripture a dignity of their own imagining. But theirs is the attitude of one who considers himself wiser than the revelations of the Spirit and introduces his own ideas in pretense of an explanation. Therefore, let it be understood as it has been…

An Attempt at a Tertium Quid in the Lapsarian Debate

The age-old Post-Reformation debate between infralapsarianism and supralapsarianism is useful at times, and, personally, I have flip-flopped between both. At this time, though, I have developed what I think is somewhere between the two of them. You internet theologians let me know what you think: Works of God with Respect to Himself and Creatures I.…

Grief’s Fruit

I recently published this in our Church’s quarterly publication, but also wanted to post a modified version here. At the beginning of this year, our Church entered into a season of grief and lament over the loss of the ordinary, over political tensions, and over sickness and death due to disease.  When my wife and…

Book Review: Counsel to Gospel Ministers

Counsel to Gospel Ministers: Letters on Preaching, Exemplary Behavior, and the Pastoral Call by John Brown of Haddington My rating: 4 of 5 stars Books of counsel to ministers regularly feel, at least to me, either excessively burdensome, or else excessively mild. The Bible sets high standards for a minister’s character, provides clear instruction for…

Book Review: Compel Them to Come In

Compel Them to Come in: Calvinism and the Free Offer of the Gospel by Donald MacLeod My rating: 4 of 5 stars MacLeod’s new work echoes much of what is said in Murray’s much-shorter work, albeit in a more readable format. It has an interesting structure, addressing divine sincerity in the middle of the book…

Book Review: You Could Have It All

You Could Have It All by Geoffrey Thomas My rating: 4 of 5 stars May assume some Christian terms are understood by the reader already, but aside from this it is a thoughtful approach. I’ve been looking for an evangelistic tract that doesn’t merely present Christianity as truth (which it is), but as the best…