Tag: apologetics
Christians have looked warily at postmodernism for some time now. Its amorphous nature has never been appealing, and its candy-shop variety of metaphysical conclusions has been hard to accept. Sure, one can enjoy certain aspects of so-and-so’s post-structuralism, or rejoice in what’s-his-face’s view of textual analysis, or delight in another fellow’s critique of modernism’s epistemological…
The Book of Revelation: How Difficult Was Its Journey into the Canon? The story of the New Testament canon is a fascinating one, with many twists and turns. There are books that were accepted very quickly, almost from the start (e.g., the four gospels), and there ar…
Robert Lewis Dabney, “The Bible its Own Witness”
50,022 Books on Theology and Religion
Why do we exist?William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens Debate (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Does Calvinism “Make” God a Moral Monster?
John Eldredge…Being Ridiculous