Tag: Christianity
This is continued from part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. Purchase a copy of “On Original Sin, Vol. 1” here! (affiliate link) In the last post I looked in detail at Vermigli’s view of how original sin is transmitted to Adam’s descendants. The question for the Christian who struggles with same-sex attraction,…
This is continued from part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5. Purchase a copy of “On Original Sin, Vol. 1” here! (affiliate link) The entirety of these posts are concerned with how Vermigli’s views of original sin relate to our contemporary questions about SSA and Christian living. As of yet, I…
This is continued from part 1, part 2, and part 3. Purchase a copy of “On Original Sin, Vol. 1” here! (affiliate link) I am writing this little series to consider how Vermigli’s view of original sin relates to contemporary issues of same-sex attraction in the theology of the Church. In the first post, I…
This is continued from part 1 and part 2. Purchase a copy of “On Original Sin, Vol. 1” here! (affiliate link) The Extent of Original Sin Vermigli’s depiction of original sin is that it is an entire corruption of human nature. It is a corruption entirely throughout, though not an entire corruption such that the…
This is continued from part 1. In part 1, I discussed Vermigli’s view of anthropology, or human composition. His view of this is intricately related to his view of original sin and indwelling sin, so it is worth going back and reviewing if you missed the last one! Purchase a copy of “On Original Sin:…
I recently purchased and read, “On Original Sin: Vol. 1 of a New Translation of the Loci Communes” of Peter Martyr Vermigli, translated and edited by Kirk Summers, and printed by The Davenant Institute. This is actually the first volume of the second part of the original commonplaces. I’m excited to learn that Dr. Summers…
He Died for Me: Limited Atonement & the Universal Gospel by Jeffrey D. Johnson My rating: 3 of 5 stars One of the more complex works on inter-Calvinistic debates that I have read. This book would be helped by further editing and formatting, as well as more explanation with less subdivisions. It would also be…
The age-old Post-Reformation debate between infralapsarianism and supralapsarianism is useful at times, and, personally, I have flip-flopped between both. At this time, though, I have developed what I think is somewhere between the two of them. You internet theologians let me know what you think: Works of God with Respect to Himself and Creatures I.…
I recently published this in our Church’s quarterly publication, but also wanted to post a modified version here. At the beginning of this year, our Church entered into a season of grief and lament over the loss of the ordinary, over political tensions, and over sickness and death due to disease. When my wife and…
The Free Offer of the Gospel by John Murray My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is a 3$ book that is worth the read. It is a brief and analytical study of passages relating to God’s will of desire (as opposed to His will of decree). My takeaway: God’s express and universal desire is…