Tag: God
I am a conservative Protestant, but I follow a good number of blogs by Roman Catholics, liberal Protestants, and a number of other people as well. Recently, though, I’ve noticed two major ideas that have been the subject of repeated and sustained attack. From the Roman Catholic blogs, I’ve seen a continued critique of the…
The Historical Jesus Goes To University Though I agree with J. Gresham Machen that McGrath’s form of liberal/progressive Christianity is “another religion”, I still applaud McGrath’s recent post for showing that scholars across the board recognize Jesus as an historical person.
Paths Christians Take When They Encounter Evolutionary Theory As a student in Seminary, I’m surrounded by the theological debates of the day. Within Reformed circles, the debates mainly revolve around confessional subscription, Sabbath observance, and the doctrine of sanctification. But, more Church-universal issues are centered around things like doctrine of Scripture, the nature of authority,…
I’ve been reading through Michael Licona’s, “The Resurrection of Jesus,” and think that his first chapter is seriously helpful in beginning a conversation on the philosophy of history and science. He has an excellent paragraph on the relation of scientific inquiry to historical inquiry located on pg. 66 of this pdf, under heading 1.2.12,…
The Necessity And Limits Of The Imitation Of Christ (2) Big debate in the Reformed world. Good summary of what it means to imitate Christ.
Let Them Come Home (John and Abraham Piper) In a recent Christianity Today interview, John Piper recounts the painful events surrounding the excommunication of his 19 year old son, Abraham. The night after that excommunication, I called him …
The Book of Revelation: How Difficult Was Its Journey into the Canon? The story of the New Testament canon is a fascinating one, with many twists and turns. There are books that were accepted very quickly, almost from the start (e.g., the four gospels), and there ar…
Robert Lewis Dabney, “The Bible its Own Witness”
Two reasons I am a Calvinist: “When the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord; and as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed.” (Acts 13:48) “A woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple fabrics, a worshiper of God, was listening:…
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