Tag: gospel
How did Christ atone for His People? Protestant Theologians debate whether it was in an Equivalent or Exact Sense: Equivalent: “Not indefinite as to the duration, still…equivalent as to the value on account of the Person suffering.” -Turretin Exact: “Christ “made satisfaction by undergoing the same punishment…they themselves were bound to undergo…essentially the same in…
He Died for Me: Limited Atonement & the Universal Gospel by Jeffrey D. Johnson My rating: 3 of 5 stars One of the more complex works on inter-Calvinistic debates that I have read. This book would be helped by further editing and formatting, as well as more explanation with less subdivisions. It would also be…
Counsel to Gospel Ministers: Letters on Preaching, Exemplary Behavior, and the Pastoral Call by John Brown of Haddington My rating: 4 of 5 stars Books of counsel to ministers regularly feel, at least to me, either excessively burdensome, or else excessively mild. The Bible sets high standards for a minister’s character, provides clear instruction for…
The Free Offer of the Gospel by John Murray My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is a 3$ book that is worth the read. It is a brief and analytical study of passages relating to God’s will of desire (as opposed to His will of decree). My takeaway: God’s express and universal desire is…
The Book of Revelation: How Difficult Was Its Journey into the Canon? The story of the New Testament canon is a fascinating one, with many twists and turns. There are books that were accepted very quickly, almost from the start (e.g., the four gospels), and there ar…
Robert Lewis Dabney, “The Bible its Own Witness”