On the Civil Magistrate
What does the Geneva Bible have to say about the relation of Church and State?
The Personal Website of Christopher Brown
What does the Geneva Bible have to say about the relation of Church and State?
He Died for Me: Limited Atonement & the Universal Gospel by Jeffrey D. Johnson My rating: 3 of 5 stars One of the more complex works on inter-Calvinistic debates that I have read. This book would be helped by further editing and formatting, as well as more explanation with less subdivisions. It would also be…
The age-old Post-Reformation debate between infralapsarianism and supralapsarianism is useful at times, and, personally, I have flip-flopped between both. At this time, though, I have developed what I think is somewhere between the two of them. You internet theologians let me know what you think: Works of God with Respect to Himself and Creatures I.…
Debates in the Reformed circles of the Church range from petty to vicious to important, and I have no interest in jumping into unnecessary argumentation. But, I think the debate over whether Jesus is eternally, but functionally, subordinate to the Father in the Triune Godhead is an important one. The debate itself is basically over,…
I am a conservative Protestant, but I follow a good number of blogs by Roman Catholics, liberal Protestants, and a number of other people as well. Recently, though, I’ve noticed two major ideas that have been the subject of repeated and sustained attack. From the Roman Catholic blogs, I’ve seen a continued critique of the…
Let Them Come Home (John and Abraham Piper) In a recent Christianity Today interview, John Piper recounts the painful events surrounding the excommunication of his 19 year old son, Abraham. The night after that excommunication, I called him …
D.A. Carson: How Can We Reconcile the Old Testament God and the New Testament God? D.A. Carson responds