Tag: Bible

  • I’ve been reviewing the early Church Fathers to compile an overview of the different views on eschatology, but while reading I came across quotes on the fall of angels, as well as the editorial note. I’ve noticed this in other readings, and so thought I’d publish it here just for kicks and giggles. Purchase a…

    Theology Thoughts: The Fathers on the Fall of Angels
  • Defining Incomprehensibility Incomprehensibility is that theological concept that, negatively, means what cannot be known of God, and, positively, means that only particulars can be known of God without fully circumscribing the entirety of Him. I don’t want to commit an etymological fallacy, by any means, but I’ll just mention that the Latin form had connotations…

    Theology Thoughts: God is Incomprehensible
  • How did Christ atone for His People? Protestant Theologians debate whether it was in an Equivalent or Exact Sense: Equivalent: “Not indefinite as to the duration, still…equivalent as to the value on account of the Person suffering.” -Turretin Exact: “Christ “made satisfaction by undergoing the same punishment…they themselves were bound to undergo…essentially the same in…

  • What does the Geneva Bible have to say about the relation of Church and State?

    On the Civil Magistrate
  • Christians have looked warily at postmodernism for some time now.  Its amorphous nature has never been appealing, and its candy-shop variety of metaphysical conclusions has been hard to accept.  Sure, one can enjoy certain aspects of so-and-so’s post-structuralism, or rejoice in what’s-his-face’s view of textual analysis, or delight in another fellow’s critique of modernism’s epistemological…

  • I am a conservative Protestant, but I follow a good number of blogs by Roman Catholics, liberal Protestants, and a number of other people as well.  Recently, though, I’ve noticed two major ideas that have been the subject of repeated and sustained attack.  From the Roman Catholic blogs, I’ve seen a continued critique of the…

  • Paths Christians Take When They Encounter Evolutionary Theory  As a student in Seminary, I’m surrounded by the theological debates of the day.  Within Reformed circles, the debates mainly revolve around confessional subscription, Sabbath observance, and the doctrine of sanctification. But, more Church-universal issues are centered around things like doctrine of Scripture, the nature of authority,…

  • Was Jesus Married with Children? Here We Go Again By now, most have probably heard the news splash about the forthcoming book by Simcha Jacobovici and Barrie Wilson, The Lost Gospel: Decoding the Sacred Text that Reveals Jesus’ Marriage to Mary Ma…

  • The Necessity And Limits Of The Imitation Of Christ (2) Big debate in the Reformed world.  Good summary of what it means to imitate Christ.

  • A Brief Guide for Writing Theological Reflection Papers I have prepared a guide or “rubric” (in the modern educational use of that word) for theological students writing a “theological reflection paper.” I had one class in my seminary experience that wa…

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