
“But before the foundation of the world were we, who, because destined to be in Him, pre-existed in the eye of God before, —we the rational creatures of the Word of God, on whose account we date from the beginning; for ‘in the beginning was the Word.’” -Clement of Alexandria, Exhortation to the Heathen

Atonement Thoughts

How did Christ atone for His People? Protestant Theologians debate whether it was in an Equivalent or Exact Sense: Equivalent: “Not indefinite as to the duration, still…equivalent as to the value on account of the Person suffering.” -Turretin Exact: “Christ “made satisfaction by undergoing the same punishment…they themselves were bound to undergo…essentially the same in…

The Decree

“The Son’s sponsio was not an expromissio (surety) [disagreeing with Berkhof], such that the guilt of sin was transferred without further ado from the elect to the Son and they had already become guiltfree through the pact itself. Rather it was a real fideiussio (bail), a guarantee which was already effective from the start, even…

Human Wisdom: a Handmaiden, Not a Mistress

We’ve been working through 1 Corinthians in our evening sermon series at my Church. I’m thinking back through a previous passage I preached on, and ran across this quote by Calvin. It is really excellent, and so I thought I’d put it up here. The natural arts and all the sciences by which wisdom is…

Book Review: Compel Them to Come In

Compel Them to Come in: Calvinism and the Free Offer of the Gospel by Donald MacLeod My rating: 4 of 5 stars MacLeod’s new work echoes much of what is said in Murray’s much-shorter work, albeit in a more readable format. It has an interesting structure, addressing divine sincerity in the middle of the book…